Thursday, January 1, 2009

Preparing for Winter

Two years ago I put in a wood stove and I heat with a wood. It's warm but work. I usually get a tree maybe two cut before it gets real cold but never enough for the winter. About every seven to ten days I would spend a day in the woods cutting, splitting, and stacking wood for the stove.

A great time outdoors.

This year I must have been feeling lazy or intuitive I thought I would lighten my work and I bought a BIG pile of wood.

Some I hauled home on the trailer and the rest of it thank goodness I cut, split and loaded in to a wagon all tarped and ready to bring to the house. Well after I broke my wrist I was very thankful to have that much ready to burn...

This is hedge "Osage Hedge" extremely hard wood and does it burn HOT. You have to watch it as it pops when it burn and can send sparks like fireworks.

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